Saturday, December 8, 2012

On writing cruelly, and carefully

In reflecting on my Sister complaining that I argue too spitefully in proving my points to others. That if I would simply back down a bit and work people through my points I might be better received, I realize that in some of my more vicious ridicule, lies a selfish goal.

You see, if there's one thing I've noticed (and this ties back to my first impressions mentality) it's that those that write, earn followers. And those followers in my opinion, and a most backwards argument it is, reflect upon the authors they endorse. Take my Uncle R for example. My most vivid memories of him are discussing the virtues of Lee Strobel's book while at a thanksgiving reunion. Now, I know this shouldn't be the case. But since that time, I've seen my Uncle R make some pretty silly statements on anything from politics, to economics. Brothers in Christ we may be, but I think my Uncle R a slippery buffoon. He makes one ungodly comment or criticism one second, and when I confront him he jumps behind the grace of the Cross the very next! Most slippery indeed. I don't care for his mindset one bit. And frankly, if men of that mind are in favor of Mr. Strobel, how can I be? For one, I'm clearly missing something if someone so disagreeable agrees with that writer, and for another, my support of the author better be carefully thought out, for I am, in a sense affiliating myself with a man I categorically disagree with issue after issue. My beloved Uncle R, that is.  Now there is always a chance I can disagree with beloved Uncle R, and support Mr. Strobel's authorship, but the above should be sufficient to introduce the fears I have as a writer.

What sort of people will agree with me? Will they contort my words, or usurp the Truth I proclaim in some slant of unstable mind? Will they lambaste others I would love in some severe conviction that isn't even close to what I intended? I already have seen the ambiguity of my thoughts in the general populace. I can assault the Red Republicans with my satisfaction that their god: The Elephant has lost again due to the will of the Almighty, and bring out their hardness of heart to boot! Next thing you know I have believers who would agree with me, applauding next to the atheists who mistake my fire for a loathing of hard religion. Dear reader, you'll find no harder religion than mine, I look in the mirror to find myself short of that standard each and every day! Yet the risk lies entirely in how I word what I write. Will I have loathsome atheists finding virtue when their eyes are blinded to the Truth to begin with? Or more worrisome, will I find weak-kneed believers with big barks, using me to support their ridiculous vendettas against the world system? Oh the odds! They are against me.

So I write as I do, in part, to scare you, dear reader. I write in a way that burns you, (or I do promise to try) in a way that spurs you away from me. You are wrong, I am right, you can't fathom, but i can, it's the virtue of absolutism, for the sake of argument  but moreso for the precious sake of keeping you in line! Please don't do me a disservice, if you are thinking my thought worth reciting, worth living out in your life, let it be balanced in reason and tested in Spirit. As James, says, speak little (feel free to not speak at all, many men would rise out of foolishness if they did) and listen all the more. In this you might do me a small favor, of not tainting my thoughts put to paper, with foul action in the world. For this will cause my credibility to crumble, or at least I fear it might.

Come to think of it. I find the entire enterprise of a man using his desire to prove God a fraudulent one, when the sleuth is a journalist (and you'll forgive me this bias). A journalist! The greatest of intellectuals those of journalism... no not at all. He has no science, he got, by God's great grace, theology. But he panders to men of Uncle R's mentality. Men who take what they are fed in the great eatery of ideas because it is agreeable to their current worldview. I reject this lazy approach to all views both great and small!

Let every thought, every motive, every belief, be scorned until it's veracity is revealed. For only in revelation is reason pure, wholly unadulterated if you will. Understanding, apart from faith is an edifice to the curse of Sin. Faith without understanding however, may suitable for some. But I pray they won't be amongst my audience, lest they be lead astray. Here's to you, reader, may you think hard and do it on your own merit, may you keep far from being one of the Uncle Rs of my written ventures.


An overly confident and self righteous jerk

(my sister made me add that, you've been warned it would seem)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Realizing Jesus

Twenty four days before that Holy day we recall our Savior’s birth, in the Year of our Lord Two-thousand and Twelve.

“Christ died for me”

Reconcile yourself to this fact and the Truth that is the witness of the Holy Spirit will shine within the core of your very being. You will at once be wholly and completely aware of that perfect and undeserved sacrifice of a Lord unlike all lords we have ever known. Brother, Patriot, King, Jesus.

Oh that this could be shouted from roof tops!
And that it might echo in the hollow husks of mortal men!

But such is the terminal of a spiritual life. We are given revelation. It is our response that ensures we are grafted into the vine, that we might produce fruit in the kingdom and commune more fully with the Most High.

I have been saved nearly three years. Yet my submission was categorically unfilled until the realization of the above statement hit me as a brick. I sit sobbing, joyously aware of the new man in me, bought at the cost of the most precious lamb… Oh how could it be?! That I, a sinner, should draw His notice? It is inconceivable that my God should love me as he does. And I am crippled in my awe. Words do this no justice. But it is essential that this revelation be brought to our heart’s door. That our verbal proclamation, coupled with sincere belief be cemented in directly impressed revelation. Before that moment I was a stolid man-at-arms, still loyal to the point of fanaticism, but missing something. Now, now my past fealty seems heartless. No less sincere but all the more necessary. That unmistakable reflex to my commitment. That beauteous claim to the Cross that was wrought by the necessity of my lack of consequence to an almighty God (that is to say my inferiority in light of His power) has transformed into a sweeter promise. A crippling reliance on Him. Not in the petty theology that confirms my compliance was ordained; that the elect have their destinies. Not in the now hollow oaths of a transaction betwixt Savior and saved. It is reliance awash in Love. Wholly undeserving Love. Now I see no longer a transaction. I know my Savior not as an instrument of justification. He died for me! Sweet Christ that it had to be, this way. That my sweet Lord would pass in front of the righteous wrath before me is beyond comprehension. Yet, I find myself finally weeping in the realization of that unchangeable Truth.

Christ died for you, too.

Find a closet, set yourself apart, and ask that it be shown to you in all its daunting glory. I pray you won’t shy from it for long! You find in this revelation, a liberty beyond expression!

Grace and peace be with you. From another found fugitive.

Oh! For love of country!

Oh for love of country!
Great siren of our times

In yesteryear her calls for duty
Drew thralls into straight lines

Oh for love of country!
We made her so much more

When Church then state each matured
We made them into whores

For God no longer hears
The worship of the masses

They have made the better praises
For Elephants and Asses

Oh for love of country!
Man thought to make her holy

But History tells a different tale
As Man’s schemes all grow moldy

Now only Love of country
Can save us from tomorrow

And if God cares
For I think he might
He’s weeping tears of sorrow

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

With regards to the presidential election results, this 6th day of November, in the year of our Lord, 2012:

I am pleased with the nomination. May the God of my fathers guide his administration to 
His purposes, and may this be an opportunity to crack the hardened hearts of every misguided patriot, who cast a ballot for 'values' over genuine faith, For financial security over God ordained penalty, and for pharisaical smugness over the virtue of empathy. I pray this be a blister on the conscience of the church, that they might look at the core of their bias, and see the utter depravity of their efforts. They have sold out for a war they were never supposed to fight, and they have been defeated yet again. 

Providence moves us forward friends, how will you choose to react?

- JW


The cause of the evangelical politic is just, yet the very fact they attempted such an effort was the cause of our social unraveling. Fools. Every last one of them fools and failed followers, but alas, such was His plan as I've no doubt we will begin to see from the most vivid station of hindsight!

Hindsight bites, y'know?